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home is where the art is


Our passion for art was ignited in the 1980's when a graffiti artist friend covered our office walls with large-scale pieces - at a time, mind you, when street art was far from mainstream. 


With this initiative the idea for the Thurn & Bauer Art Gallery was born. Since more than 40 years we exhibit creations of up-and-coming as well as established artists in our premises - and do not only equip our real estate projects with interior design but also fill them with art that moves us. 


We love your work:


Hans Weigand

Robert Pawliczek

Michaela Spiegel

Sonja Gangl

Wilfried Gerstel

Alfred Wetzelsdorfer

Ilse Haider

Matthias Herrmann

Renate Hattinger

Marco Lulic

Gudrun Kampl

Bernhard Fruehwirth

Georgia Creimer

Andreas Ferchner




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